Christmas/Kwaanza Update Nr.4: JKU Academic Research List.

Happy Holidays!!!!!

Hello Fans, today is Monday the 23rd of December, and 4 lists have been updated for you. Each one is posted separately, owing to their lengths.


The Updated Lists are

1. JKU Part Deux.

2. The Cold List.

3. Online Tools 2013.

4. Academic Research List.


Additionally, some editing has been done on the JKU Research List, but it is not pasted here today, just go to and use it or download it (for free) from there.

Jae and me personally guarantee that this is the the very best, most useful and most complete Academic Research List in the world.


JKU Academic Research List

December 2013 Edition

289 Links




I. Research URLs

II. Online Catalogs

III. Online Journals and Zines

IV. Indexes and Abstracts

V. Reference Books Online

VI. Govt. Publications

VII. Subject Guides

VIII. Other.

IX. Language Tools: Dictionaries and Glossaries.



I. Research URLs;jsessionid=EFBD055C37E853E58FB3D2961BD19562   }the definitive academic video, image, and audio resource. Browse and search for free, subscribe to download.   }this site worked well in our test, and gave results as described by them. Recommended. “Academic Index is a scholarly search engine accessing only websites previously selected by librarians, teachers, and library and educational consortia.” Drawback: service may fail therefore to find important results that you’re looking for.   }”We are building a user-friendly educational ecosystem that will give internet users around the world the ability to easily find, interact with, and learn from full video courses and lectures from the world’s leading scholars.”  Clean site, easy to read and use. The videos load and play immediately; but the site still seems a little commercial to us. We Recommend it nonetheless.   }an online education resource center with online degrees, online courses and distance learning information from online accredited schools, to provide free, independent and accurate information and resources for prospective and current students (and other researchers); we found it a little commercial. Listed as “an educational subject and database gateway”, this is misleading. They do link to some online schools by subject, but there are no subject databases or gateways there. So, the description in “Academic and Scholar Search Engines and Sources” is incorrect and misleading.   }First deployed in 2006, Archive-It is a subscription web archiving service from the Internet Archive that helps organizations to harvest, build, and preserve collections of digital content. Through our user friendly web application Archive-It partners can collect, catalog, and manage their collections of archived content with 24/7 access and full text search available for their use as well as their patrons. Content is hosted and stored at the Internet Archive data centers.   }the page for Internet resources by type.   }this one failed three of our hard search term tests, and one easy one, but we include it here so that you’ll know about it. It did return several thousand results for one very easy search.   }applied math and science education repository.   }links to 1700 electronic serials. 2011 Update: This link is not good anymore, but the site is still there, and their links page has changed. Here:    }they have a list of partnering Research Libraries.   And here:    }is a list of their publications, reports, and presentations.    }SPARC®, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, is an international alliance of academic and research libraries working to correct imbalances in the scholarly publishing system.   }full-text index of library electronic serials. Link seems to be down. Try:  }here now.    }Internet Resources on the web. 2011 Update: this link is dead now, but they’ve reorganized their site. Here:    }is their page on how to find academic/research webpages.   }a site for finding and managing scholarly references. IT seems to be a very well-organized, user-friendly service, and it is free; unfortunately, it did poorly in our “hard test”. We gave it an obscure item from c.1920, and it found 800 references for it. There were not more than 80 references to it during the entire 20th century. A quick check revealed that most of the items it found had nothing to do with the search term, at all.   }College researchers often need more than Google and Wikipedia to get the job done. To find what you’re looking for, it may be necessary to tap into the invisible web, the sites that don’t get indexed by broad search engines. 99 resources for college students, teachers, researchers. A somewhat older site, some of the links are already dead, but most are still good. Note that some of the resources’ descriptions are inaccurate.   }is the list of databases they search. 2012 Update: Link has changed, and now takes you to the database connect page:  }Most database subscriptions are purchased by public or academic libraries who in turn provide access to individuals.   }scholarly internet resource collections. Some of the infomine results lead to pay sites, e.g., advertising/offering for sale, Mathcad.   }Intute is a free online service that helps you to find web resources for your studies and research. With millions of resources available on the Internet, it can be difficult to find useful material. They have reviewed and evaluated thousands of resources to help you choose key websites in your subject. Drawback: they may have missed an important site for your work.   }from Cal’s article on the invisible web, databases, and directories. The IPL is a really good search engine for academic results.   }this site works well; scientific literature digital library and search engine. Did well in our tests.   }Kansas State’s linklist for intellectual property, part one.   }part two of that

linklist.   }the lexis/nexis academic/libraries webpages.   }list of mostly scientific publishers.   }the Lycos search page, linked from Search Engine Watch.    } amer. journalism review site, plus links to newspapers. 2011 Update: new link:   }this is their resources page. Basically every kind of news link that you could want is on this page.   }this is the Search Tools page for Newlink.   }The mission of OASPA is to support and represent the interests of Open Access (OA) journal and book publishers globally in all scientific, technical, and scholarly disciplines. OASPA offers a forum for bringing together the entire community of Open Access journal publishers.   }PLOS (Public Library of Science) is a nonprofit publisher and advocacy organization with a mission of leading a transformation in scientific and medical research communication.   }this is the page for searching the proquest databases; you make a search-widget here. Here:    }the proquest search page.   }the most comprehensive scientific research tool on the web, with over 410 million scientific items indexed at last count. In our test, its results weren’t deep, and it failed one test (where an extant result was known), but all the results for different searches were scientific only. Examines content of papers for relevance to search term, a really useful feature.   }Internet Annotated Link Dataset Compilation titled “Academic and Scholar Search Engines and Sources” is a 60 page research paper listing selected resources both new and existing that will help anyone who is attempting to find academic and scholarly information and knowledge available on the Internet. The pdf is here   }this paper was updated October 15, 2012.   }good list of directories and search engines. DL 12aug13.   }This is the new Springer Link site. Huge site, with 7,360,380 resources in 24 different disciplines or subjects, including 4,723,026 articles, 2,320,564 chapters, 285,771 reference work entries, and 31,019 protocols. We gave this the hard test that the High Energy Physics Information System, HEP Inspire (see below in subject Guides) failed. Revealing that test now, it was for the High Energy Active Auroral Research Project, also know as HAARP, and the HEP Inspire site should have had at least many papers about it, but had none at all, no matter how we manipulated the search terms. By contrast, therefore, this site found 63 results immediately, and using the acronym, not having to spell it out. The results page was clean and easy to read, and showed which studies were free, versus which you would have to buy or buy access to, and allowed previews of those. Highly Recommended.   }”SweetSearch is a Search Engine for Students. It searches only the 35,000 Web sites that our staff of research experts and librarians and teachers have evaluated and approved when creating the content on findingDulcinea. We constantly evaluate our search results and “fine-tune” them, by increasing the ranking of Web sites from organizations such as the Library of Congress, the Smithsonian, PBS and university Web sites.”   }University of Houston search engine page. Search for e-journals, databases, catalog, research guides, or do a site search. Said to be part of “the deep web”. In our test, it did very well, giving over pages of results at 25 listings per page, including books, magazines and journals.    } search for free the tables of contents of 16000 journals. 2011 Update: new URL:   }and the search engine is improved, click on icons to the right of results to see where you can get the journal from online.   }finds new sites or publications in research and education. Note: some versions of Word will give false reports of not being able to load the website; Word 10 is one example. So, copy and paste the URL into the browser’s address bar, or use the online version at: , which loads the webpage without any problems.


II. Online Catalogs   }this is the page for the BUBL Link Catalogue of Internet Resources.   } Full text of every article ever published by ACM and bibliographic citations from major publishers in computing. ACM is the Association for Computing Machinery, one of the oldest and largest of its kind in the world. Here is:   }a brief guide to using the site. Many, many papers here: 1,229 Journals; 19,602 Proceedings; 135,885 book Titles;  and 69,016 Theses. 25, 389 Published reports.    }not only catalogs, but also databases, references, indexes, great list on this page.     }Library of Congress     }Chinook   }Kansas State’s library links.   }gateway to LOC catalogs of libraries everywhere. Long list. Interesting stuff at page end. Goes directly to search page (usually) for particular library.   }”Cal”: their libraries.   }UCLA; their catalog:   }2011 Update.   }Melvyl  2011 Update:   }Melvyl’s new portal.    }Cal’s AI-on-the-web: 900 links; 820 pages of info. Scroll down.   }Princeton’s catalog.   }not only links to University of California’s Melvyl, but to other catalogs, journals, databases, research guides, and more. Said to have links into the “invisible web”.  Here is their   }guide for appropriate use of so-called E-Resources.


III. Online Journals and Zines.   }American Academic & Scholarly Research Center (AASRC) publishes the American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal (AASRJ), a bimonthly peer-reviewed journal, published online in open-access theme which allows authors to retain the intellectual property rights of their published articles.    }this is the largest, free collection of scholarly journals’ Tables of Contents (TOC). 21,888 journals (including 5,617 selected Open Access journals) from 1,754 publishers. This site is one of the replacements of . BTW we say that name “Evil Extra”, doesn’t it look like that’s how you’d say it? But after many years it was discontinued, we think, because of that name. It was a catalog of online academic resources and E-Journal search engine. They also had articles on advances in Engineering. Now it has a permanent re-direct to   }which then links to the Journals’ TOC site.  You might be wondering why we have listed and described a dead website to you. Here is what one reviewer (not us) said: “EEVL Xtra cross-searches (hence the ‘X’ in Xtra) over 20 different collections relevant to engineering, mathematics and computing, including content from over 50 publishers and providers. It doesn’t just point you to these databases, but rather it ‘deep mines’ them, so you can search them direct from EEVL Xtra. Databases searched include: arXiv, ePrints UK, CISTI, CiteSeer, CSA Hot Topics, Copac, Euclid Mathematics and Statistics Journals, Inderscience Journals IoP Journals, NACA Technical Reports, NASA TEchnical Reports, OneStep Industry News, OneStep Jobs, Pearson Education, Recent Advances in Manufacturing, zetoc, EEVL Best of the Web, EEVL Ejournal Search Engine, and more.” So, these are the kind of very useful sites and links that we try to find for you, and list here with descriptions and ratings. The EEVL Xtra is Highly Recommended by us.   }Do you need content to add to your web site? Or articles for use on your opt-in newsletters and e-zines? maintains a huge collection of articles on a wide variety subjects. Just click on the appropriate category to read the articles. They also have a video section now. We found the site to be somewhat commercial, though, and not really academic.   )academic and research publications. Sept. 2011 Update: DL, no new link. 2012 Update:   }this site as a replacement.   }forum, blog, and discussion site suitable for students. New. We have tested this site and find it clean and mostly easy to use. Those of you who are non-academic will enjoy this website.   }e-zines and magazines just for the Arts.   }the directory of open access journals. They have indexed 7049 journals with 3233 journals searchable at the article level, and 633371 articles total. Free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals, covering all subjects and many languages.   }try a workaround?   }their collection of online journals, sometimes called “ejournals”, although, of course, this would properly be “e-journals”, to retain the long “e” pronunciation of the letter ‘e’. This collection seems to lead to free access, which is as it should be; but most of the journals require that you be current student, faculty, or staff of Emory University. The also give physical location of print copies on the Emory campus.   }this site provides access to the world’s electronic journals, categorized alphabetically.  The site looks old, but, we’ve checked the links and all those we checked are still good, this list goes to lists, some of those go to lists, and those go to the journals.    }the full collection of article and videos from EzineMark about Usenet (newsgroups) and (Web-based) discussion groups.   }some interesting articles about the structure of Usenet and its hierarchies.   }the 20 most popular and highest-rating ezine directories on the Net today. This site gives direct links to e-zine directories, and these in turn link to the e-zines, or to lists of them. In our tests, it was many links to a website, and we weren’t able to get to the actual pages of one. Many sites led to commercial advertisements, but still related to the category named. You may have better luck with these links. An older site, it was first hosted in 2006 and noticed by Netcraft in 2009, and appears not to have been updated recently.   }if the zinebook site is down, try this one (6116 zines).   }not to be confused with Highbeam research, which charges or requires registration to view full articles; this is not free information. This site, is the largest archive of free full-text science on Earth! As of 7/21/12, we are assisting in the online publication of 2,164,930 free full-text articles and 6,601,552 total articles. There are 23 sites with free trial periods, and 56 completely free sites. 280 sites have free back issues, and 1339 sites have pay per view!   }the largest free collection of scholarly journal Tables of Contents (TOC): 20,556 journals, with 4,781 from Open Access journals, all from 1,343 publishers.   }journals that are free of charge. ICAAP is now using OJS (Open Journal Systems) editorial management software which enables editors to track the complete publishing process.  And here is   }their searchable journal database, to which you may add a journal.   }”the largest completely categorized database of freely available journal information available on the internet. The database presently contains 97403 titles”; however, it failed two of our hard search term tests, and gave a small number of results for an easier one. Those results were, however, very relevant to the search term, and mainstream.  That is, this is not a regular search engine, but one searching only digitalized free journals – so we think that it did well in our tests.   }links to open e-journals from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine. “The most common method of scholarly communication in the health sciences is publication in a peer-reviewed book or journal. Peer-reviewed journals were formerly available only through paid subscription, but recent developments in scholarly communication are changing how journal articles are accessed. Greater accessibility of scientific and clinical journal articles was driven in part by a desire to see government-supported research made easily available to its funders: the taxpayers.”   }a/v format tutorial on finding e-journals.   }This is the online journals search engine. This enables you to make search-queries to different databases from only one search field.   }the Public Library of Science. “We are a nonprofit publisher and advocacy organization. Our mission is to accelerate progress in science and medicine by leading a transformation in research communication. Everything that we publish is open-access – freely available online for anyone to use.”   }their list of journals and newsletters. This is from the evaluation site of the www virtual library. (Click on Journals on the left, not on the main part of the page, which goes nowhere.)    }this site has Usenet reviews and comparisons.   }the digital library and archives of Virginia Tech. Their e-journal collection can be found here:   }DLA provides access to scholarly electronic serials that are peer-reviewed, full text, and accessible without charge. Their topics range from education, engineering, and literature to technology, philosophy and libraries. Most titles are available in both PDF and HTML. In our tests, the site was clean and easy to use. We were able to directly to actual e-journal pages w/o the usual run-around and hassles.    }list of “zines” ; if this site won’t load, use ezinesgo, above.


IV. Indexes and Abstracts.   }Index of online discussion groups about Indexing and related subjects.   }The Awesome Lists, a meta-index. 2011 Update: these lists are lost now, and there is no way to recover them.   }this is the Argus Clearinghouse site, a meta-index.   }A central, open-access repository of research by members of the Harvard community. A large repository with many research papers, categorized by subject, as well as by other indices. Highly Recommended.   }E-Mail Discussion Lists and Electronic Journals dealing with Education.   }consists of current journals in education (CJIE) and resources in education. RIE is bibliographic database of 850,000 papers, reports, articles. CJIE inexes professional journals.   }humanities database of Johns Hopkins. Some free journals.   }free searchable indexes, pay to see article.   }the Internet Index. 2012 DL.   }new site for the Internet Public Library. 2012 DL.    }the Canadian yahoo site, listed as a good meta-index.   }the American yahoo site, considered a good meta-index.   }Internet service list. 2011 Update: This link now goes the the frontpage of SpectraCom Communication.


V. Reference Books Online not previously listed-including archives.   }Thousands of libraries, museums, and archives have contributed nearly a million collection descriptions to ArchiveGrid. Researchers searching ArchiveGrid can learn about the many items in each of these collections, contact archives to arrange a visit to examine materials, and order copies.   }Use the Archives Hub to find unique sources for your research. The Archives Hub enables you to search across a wealth of archives held at over 220 institutions across the UK.   }he Archives Portal Europe provides access to information on archival material from different European countries as well as information on archival institutions throughout the continent.   }Open access to 784,441  e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics.   }once considered to be “the search engine of choice for scientists and engineers seeking resources in science and engineering on the web”, this site has fallen into disuse and is not maintained anymore. We include it here so you can use the publication search engine (also searches web and news).   }internet publisher of literature, reference, and verse providing students and researchers with access to books and information on the web, free of charge.       }free internet encyclopedia.   }this site is like a more rigorous type of Wikipeida. It did fairly well in our hard search term test, finding 100@ relevant (to the search term) results immediately.   }this might be a good reference site, but it isn’t available to the public. Your campus library must be a Credo member, rough if you aren’t a student, teacher, or campus employee.  }read reference collection, univ. of Michigan.   }collection of resources fro the deep web, including books, videos, tutorials, podcast, blogs, etc.; a somewhat older site, some of the links are already dead (DL).   }virtual reference desk, Purdue   }this virtual reference site is a gateway and link list to many academic resources. It links to the “ask a librarian” service, which feature a new online chat capability. A service of the Library Of Congress.   }this is their digital collections and services, giving access to print, pictorial, and A/V collections and other services. Huge resources.   }this site is a good, readable, illustrated mathematical glossary or dictionary. You can select categories and level of education. Highly Recommended.   }while not really academic in nature, this page is a massive link list of many kinds of “reference”, news, links to articles, dictionaries, etc. For the best list of dictionary links, see our Online Tools 2011 List at   }where it is called “Tools”. Short Link to Online Tools 2011:   }find it here.   }virtual reference desk. 2011 Update: UMBC has taken down this site/page.   }Roget’s Thesaurus.   }virtual reference desk, u. of n. Carolina.   }see 113 virtual library collection.   }Digital Library and Archives online resources of Virginia Tech. DLA participates with other universities to develop and sustain the MetaArchive Cooperative. The Cooperative is a distributed digital preservation network that securely stores multiple copies of unique library collections at geographically dispersed sites around the world.   } lets you search the collections of libraries in your community and thousands more around the world. WorldCat grows every day thanks to the efforts of librarians and other information professionals.You can search for popular books, music CDs and videos—all of the physical items you’re used to getting from libraries. You can also discover many new kinds of digital content, such as downloadable audiobooks. You may also find article citations with links to their full text; authoritative research materials, such as documents and photos of local or historic significance; and digital versions of rare items that aren’t available to the public. Because WorldCat libraries serve diverse communities in dozens of countries, resources are available in many languages.


VI. Govt. Publications.   }u.s. census bureau.    }Department of State: Travel Info.   }Dept of Transportation: Check for Chronically delayed flights  }Federal Government main site  }U.S.Government Resources   }u.s. govt. printing office. New Link:   }new location for the Printing Office.    }Internet Crime Complaint Center   }center for information law and policy, federal locator.

WWW.LOC.GOV  }Library of Congress   }u.s. legislative info.    }NonProfit Gateway: Federal Gov. Information and Services    }Product, Food, Drug etc Safety/ Recall Information    }Social Security Administration   } is an absolutely mammoth search engine/portal that gives the searcher direct access to a wide variety of information and databases from the United States government, state governments, and local governments. This includes access to the Library of Congress, an A-Z government agency index, the Smithsonian, and more.    }IRS    }WhiteHouse

VII. Subject Guides.

Note: many of these links are to the webpages, that have all the subjects’ links by name, that’s why this category isn’t organized by subject.   }a nice collection of academic subject guides, but some links here are old.   }this may be useful to read at some point. Publication rules.   }link may be down. 2012 DL. Sep 2012 Update: The old Albany search engine and directory has been down for a while. Here’s the most suitable replacement we’ve found:   }integrated academic research platform on the Web, for teachers that provide differentiated instruction of literacy to students in upper elementary through university.

A cornerstone in thousands of subscribing schools and universities, NoodleTools supports the research process with a platform of integrated tools for note-taking, outlining, citation, document archiving/annotation, and collaborative research and writing.   }the VAST: Academic Video Online homepage. They say: “Titles in VAST are carefully selected to meet departmental needs and include documentaries, interviews, performances, news programs and newsreels, field recordings, commercials, and raw footage. You’ll find thousands of award-winning films, including Academy® and Emmy® winners, the most frequently used films for classroom instruction, newly released films, and archival material previously unavailable.”  There is also   }this page which shows the subjects you can browse or search.    }This archive is being compiled

to serve as a library of information about different artistic movements, art

groups and specific artists. Its purpose is to educate people about the

different movements and show people that there are other movements worth looking

at, and specific artists that users may never have heard of.   }for instance, the have this traditional collection of reference and subject links, including language, style, and compostion.   }1200 search utilities categorized (they claim).   }librarian’s index to the web from UCB. Current URL:   }it’s here now.   }Databases by Subject: Use this guide to identify library databases/indexes for a particular discipline or subject domain. Databases provide access to high quality information.   }the Main subject menus page for BUBL Link. This page contains and announcement that the site is no longer being updated as of April 2011.   }Argus clearinghouse for resource collections.   }also has library databases. Good site.   )indexed collection of sources; and older resource from UCB. Link down, try:   }its new URL.   }wordy stuff on discussion groups: autologue vs. dialog, interdisciplinary studies, ‘strange attractors’, etc. He says: “It is hoped that this exposition can help inform interdisciplinary approaches which arise throughout the world community. I offer the autologue as an adaptive meme capable of modeling the integration of the many THREADS of our disciplines into one tapestry, into the Net we cast to catch community. The beginning of understanding lies in the self-organizing community — the memetic niche where culture and vitality meet and engage in the ongoing process of AUTOLOGUE.”   }from this website, you can watch full-length documentary films or videos, for free. The page shown is for the History documentaries. Note that all these are streaming videos. They comprise supplementary Subject Guides.   }you can find more History documentaries here.   }browse all the History documentaries here.  On this page   }are all their documentaries organized by Subject.   }may have what you need.   }the largest bibliographic database dedicated to Economics and available freely on the Internet.   }this was formerly The Human-Languages Page. “LoveLanguages is a comprehensive catalog of language-related Internet resources. The more than 2400 links at iLoveLanguages have been hand-reviewed to bring you the best language links the Web has to offer. Whether you’re looking for online language lessons, translating dictionaries, native literature, translation services, software, language schools, or just a little information on a language you’ve heard about, iLoveLanguages probably has something to suit your needs”   }although we include this for medical and biomedical technology research, the journal articles are really more professional and commercial in source and audience, not academic.   }Inspire, the High Energy Physics Information System. Page shown is the “How to Search” page giving all the details. Highly Recommended for physics students or physicists.  “CERN, DESY, Fermilab and SLAC have built the next-generation High Energy Physics (HEP) information system, INSPIRE, which empowers scientists with innovative tools for successful research at the dawn of an era of new discoveries. INSPIRE combines the successful SPIRES database content, curated at DESY, Fermilab and SLAC, with the Invenio digital library technology developed at CERN. INSPIRE is run by a collaboration of the four labs, and interacts closely with HEP publishers,, NASA-ADS, PDG, and other information resources. INSPIRE represents a natural evolution of scholarly communication, built on successful community-based information systems, and provides a vision for information management in other fields of science.”  Here   }we show the results of our test, for the word “aurora”. We found that you have to be careful which search terms you use, and how you use them. It did fail in one of our hard tests, but we still Recommend it. Most of those results don’t seem to have much to do with an Aurora; clearly physical and chemical technical papers. However, there was this:     }”…This is in agreement with increased auroral activity identified in historical chronicles. This point to the likely solar origin of the event, which is the greatest solar event on a multi-millennial time scale, placing a strong observational constraint on the theory of explosive energy releases on the Sun and cool stars. “   }this site duplicates and updates many of the sites listed above.   }VAST: Academic Video Online is Alexander Street’s flagship video subscription database containing thousands of video titles in a wide range of disciplines. Faculty and students will find content in VAST to meet their learning, teaching, and research interest in the following areas…  2013 Update:   }here is a video that shows you how use VAST.   }the Davidson College Library Research Guides. On this page, they present VAST with instructions for use.   }this is the site for those that are studying  Internet itself. Gives the complete history and much of the structure of the Net; great for students. Simple, clean, fast site. Also an excellent site for newbies to the web… information all in one place, that you’d otherwise spend hours with search engines, etc., trying to find.   }list and very brief description of people who made and developed Internet. (“Internet” is a acronym, hence don’t say “the” in front of it.)   }The Main Reading Room of the Library of Congress has eight alcoves. This ninth “virtual alcove” is a collection of websites selected and annotated by Humanities and Social Sciences Division subject specialists.   }Part of Galaxy’s guide to worldwide information and services. Articles; Guides; Events; Collections; Periodicals; Discussion Groups; Directories; Professional, Academic, Government, and Non-Profit Organizations.   }this is a mathematics question and answer site, one of the “stack exchange” family of sites. The page linked to answers questions about the kinds of infinity that there are. For any user of math, this site employs professional and academic mathematicians, and so on that basis would be Recommended. Unfortunately, they require sign-up and sign-in to blog. When you ask a question, the site makes it difficult for you to submit a question, and will arbitrarily refuse to answer valid math questions. Not Recommended.   ]the national library of medicine. Features a search of biomedical literature, a medical dictionary, news, articles, more.   }subject collection of scholars’ e-conferences. Link gives a redirect to McAfee secure computing.   }web reference collection.   }overview of subject area databases. This link is down for now; try the following:   }The “Telson Spur” site’s site map. Branch from there.    }list of Princeton’s subject guides.   }more subject guides as list guides.    }linklist on math sites, etc.  Found under “Ideas”.   }the Social Science Research Network, link goes to their search page. Papers & Authors: Abstracts: 452,469, Full Text Papers: 366,285, Authors: 210,481, Papers Received in Last 12 months: 66,300.   }University of Houston Research Guides: find help with subject specific research, class assignments, writing and presentation, and other aspects of the research process.   }infomine: scholarly web resource collections. Link has changed, new one is:   }Infomine linklist page.  Update 9/11: Infomine is once again available at this URL:   }look for scholarly information in fields ranging from business to the performing arts in one easily accessible place. It performed well in our “hard test”. (Finding obscure information c.1920.)    }exceptional Internet based resources by subject category. Maintained by UMBC.   }Writing Studies & the University Libraries

A dynamic place with the goal of connecting those who teach Writing with ideas and techniques to integrate Library related tools, collections and services into your classes to improve student’s library and information literacy skills;  includes article, concern over google books. “Three library associations have asked the Justice Department to oversee Google’s plans to create a massive digital library to prevent an excessively high price for institutional subscriptions, the groups said on Thursday.”   web virtual library of subjects. Seems to have dated results and returns results from odd place, e.g. Burma.   }search from categories down to sources.  DL? (3/11)  2012 Update:  We don’t know why they took this page down. The best replacement we could find for it is:   }tools for people to leverage the information hunting and gathering activities of other people or groups of people on the World Wide Web. To date we have focused on taking advantage of the personal subject indices that are being constructed today with bookmarks or hotlists of widely available browsers and also on monitoring URLs that may themselves serve as living resources on particular subject areas.    }a wiki-type website for psychologists.


VIII. Other: Tools, etc. (See also JKU Research List )    }online courses and degrees info.   } The Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, the print disabled, and the general public.   }This extension lets you rapidly fill up a bookmark folder and go through its contents one site at a time. Emphasis is on adding and removing with ease.   }the podcast central of the American Shakespeare Center. Mostly lectures, interviews, etc., we haven’t found any actual plays podcast here yet, but LOC or another like that would probably have them. See also…   }podcasts from the BBC, you might find something Shakespearean here.    }this is a handy site. Search by name of book or author, and if they have it, it returns the free book-notes and study-notes available online. In our test they gave results from Cliffs Notes, SparkNotes, BookRags, Novel Guide, Pink Monkey, Barron’s Book Notes, Grade Saver, and others. Links lead directly to book notes shown. Clean and easy to use, Highly Recommended by us. Good site.   }this is not what the URL makes it sound like. Diana Hacker was a master teacher and thoroughly innovative thinker. In her classroom, Diana identified the challenges students face in writing college papers, and in her handbooks, she provided advice to help student writers meet those challenges. Nancy Sommers , also a master teacher and a scholar in the field of composition, is an avid field researcher and an innovator in writing instruction.   }this bibliography helper works well. It finds the book, magazine, newspaper, journal, etc., that you specify, and generates the bibliographical info for it, and then puts it into one of four standard formats. Apparently it will accumulate the bibliography for  you as well.   }a BBC podcast page, where scholars and interviewers discuss the history of ideas.   }this site advertises, homework help, instant math, and 3,000 video lessons by experts. Top teachers, they say, but it is a subscription site, $30.00 per month, and so we cannot recommend it.   }Citation machine helps students and professional researchers to properly credit the information that they use.   }”Ask any homework question and get an answer from our subject experts in as little as 2 hours. Get expert homework help now!“ We haven’t tested or evaluated this site yet, but it is popular these days (Autumn, 2012).   }The Center for Theology and The Natural Sciences. “CTNS promotes the creative mutual interaction between theology and the natural sciences. The CTNS mission is carried out through three program areas: research, teaching and public service.  The central scientific focus of these programs is on physics, cosmology, evolutionary biology, and genetics, with additional topics in the neurosciences, technology, the environmental sciences, and mathematics. The central theological focus is on Christian theology, ethics and spirituality, with additional attention to the theological issues arising from the engagement between the sciences and world religions.”   }homepage for the Digital Library Federation.   }the members of the DLF. A linklist for libraries with online collections/catalogs (see above). Found records at tested libraries immediately.   }”This section contains a small database of software tools that have been used, classified and reviewed by linguists.

For information on choosing appropriate software tools see the Choosing Software page. To view software, choose the types you wish to view below. “   }”The Tool Room provides information about hardware and software tools available for linguists, many of which will help you to conform to Best Practice. Tools are divided into the categories of Software and Hardware. “   }VoodooPad Lite is the free version of VoodooPad. While not as powerful as the real thing, it still gets the job done. It’s for those on a tight budget, or who just want to play around with VoodooPad beyond the 15 page limit without committing to it just yet. Keep your research organized and logical by taking advantage of VoodooPad’s wiki links, collections, tags, aliases, and powerful search. Import research articles, class notes, and link to websites. Merge and split your information as it grows! VoodooPad for iOS is the mobile little brother to VoodooPad. If you need a wiki on your iOS device, this is the app you want. While not quite as powerful as its older sibling- VoodooPad for iOS does all the things you need, including syncing via Dropbox. VoodooPad takes advantage of Mac OS X’s built in text system, so you get access to all kinds of text services like spell checking, and formatting options like multiple fonts and font sizes per page, kerning, rulers, and even text shadowing and strike-through.    }thousands of free science and computer e-books online that you can download.    }sample page from this site. These are the astronomy books. For students or learners, many of these contain the basic info you need to understand astronomy. Even if you’re studying the Electric Universe or Plasma Cosmology model(s), you still need to understand basic, mainstream astronmy, including history, methods, tools, and techniques. They’re necessary for you to understand how to do astronomy, and what the ‘language’ means. But, if you master basic mainstream astronmy, then you’ll see how the discoveries of the EU modellers change some of the fundamental facts of what the universe consists of, and how it works. Example: the EM strength is 49 orders of magnitude stronger than gravity, and can be shown to behave the same ways on all the scales that apply to astronomy, i.e., from local planetary-sized to galactic-sized. The electric current that connect all the astronomical bodies and features, can be directly observed, as HST has shown us.,6   }this may also be useful; however sometimes the results that it finds will either be behind an academic password/pay wall or be a link to a book which is not available online. (Apologies for the inclusion of google here.)   }of course no collection of academic tools would be complete without a grammar website. As is painfully well-known, most students do not use the English language correctly, since their instructors and teachers don’t, either. Therefore, this might be the most important website on this List!  Highly Recommended for all students, faculty, and staff to use this site.   }this is a fun site. Enter a term by name or equation, and the page draws a graph of it for you, fast. Highly Recommended. It can make recommendations, will show a “random” graph if “+” selected, and if “_>” is selected, it will show the type of differential equation the graph is. Click on the camera to take a snapshot, page changes from white background to black background!   }this is a PDF search engine, part of a html-pdf-webpage converter. Useful for students, scholars, and researchers.   }forum, blog, and discussion site suitable for students. New. We have tested this site and find it clean and mostly easy to use.   }”smart” list-making and –sharing website, free signup required.   }Set up an account for your school and give the students (and teachers) an easy way to visit the Internet. Links can be organized by topic, by classroom, or even by individual students. (Teachers, avoid that HTML programming class!)   } This extension lets you rapidly fill up a bookmark folder and go through its contents one site at a time. Emphasis is on adding and removing with ease. Easily drag or add links to this sidebar or button and easily remove them for high-volume browsing.   } Wired-Marker( is a permanent (indelible) highlighter that you use on Web pages. The highlighter, which comes in various colors and styles, is a kind of electronic bookmark that serves as a guide when you revisit a Web page. The highlighted content is automatically recorded in a scrapbook and saved. Wired-Marker is a freeware that was developed as part of the Integrated Database Project sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (development code name: ScrapParty) for supporting the construction of databases.
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (2006) Integrated Database Project “Integrated Database for Life Sciences” II-3 Technology Development for Curator Support.   }networkx has a search feature and will sometimes find info that no one else does. “NetworkX is a Python language software package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and function of complex networks.

With NetworkX you can load and store networks in standard and nonstandard data formats, generate many types of random and classic networks, analyze network structure, build network models, design new network algorithms, draw networks, and much more.“  Here is the search page:   }this page shows the results of one of our tests, for the word “search”. Great for programmers, information scientists, mathematicians, Recommended for them. See their glossary below.    }link list of the National Weather Service. Links to everything weather-related.   }NTSA science supply guide.   } OttoBib was created by Jonathan Otto in 2006 and his brother Nick started helping in 2012. The Idea for this site came from Seth Godin’s blog post about “Stuck Systems”. Seth outlined 2 requirements:  A bibliography based on looking up the data online. Webpage that would allow the reader/teacher to see the books, their covers, links to Amazon or other online references.   }world wide web virtual library: evaluation information gateway. (Click on Evaluation Societies on the left, not on the main part of the page.)   }Turn your mobile phone into a digital copy machine with this helpful tool. Simply take a picture of a text document with your phone or camera and the program will help you translate it into PDF form. We include this since it is free.   }a source of Science podcasts. In our tests, the site worked perfectly and the podcast was interesting.   If you’d like to hear it, it’s here:    }the 4 track mind.   }colorful Periodic Table of the Elements, adjustable in real-time. Very useful for studying Chemsitry: Recommended.   }basic tutorials for academic online searches and search engines.   }links and websites concerned with research and education for grades K-8, but useful for academic research also.   }The citation  linker from the Texas Medical Center Library ( ).  If you know the DOI, this is the quickest way to find an article.   }discussion group for the classics. A directory of email discussion groups and listserv mailing lists concerning all aspects of Classics, classics education, Greek and Latin language study, and so on.   }list of mediaeval discussion groups. Most of these are listservers.   }pretty good latin translator.   }It is a hierarchical notebook to enter and manage ever every kind of notes and ideas in a structured manner. It was created out of the desire to let my own chaos of papers, notes, and post-it’s vanish. Those items are useful but the chaos I produced was not. With TuxCards you have a tool at your hand to free your mind by creating notes using richtext and images. It has been proven to work on Linux, Mac and Windows.   }UberNote is a knowledge management tool enabling you to quickly store and access your content from anywhere. Easily submit notes using email, IM, and mobile devices or clip web content with the browser toolbar. If you use UberNote, all of your stuff is in one location.

Any Computer – Since UberNote is an Internet application, you can access UberNote from almost any computer.   } Updated version, 0.19 of this awesome user script that compare prices from the most important online bookstores, with just a click…

Added new bookstores:, Updated the others bookstores.

Added flags.   }WebCite®, which used to be a member of member of the International Internet Preservation Consortium, is an on-demand archiving system for webreferences (cited webpages and websites, or other kinds of Internet-accessible digital objects), which can be used by authors, editors, and publishers of scholarly papers and books, to ensure that cited webmaterial will remain available to readers in the future. A WebCite®-enhanced reference is a reference which contains – in addition to the original live URL (which can and probably will disappear in the future, or its content may change) – a link to an archived copy of the material, exactly as the citing author saw it when he accessed the cited material. (neologisms theirs.)   }this is supposed to tell you about specific researchers, in addition to showing you their list, or allowing you to add someone, but, it failed badly in our search tests, didn’t find one prominent and well-known scientist in his field, and didn’t find a well-known former professor emeritus from U. of Chicago. FYI.   }”We unconsciously use grammar all the time when we use language for speaking, listening, reading and writing. If we want to improve our English language abilities, there is no escape from addressing grammar issues.”  As is painfully well-known, most students do not use the English language correctly, since their instructors and teachers don’t, either. Therefore, this might be the most important website on this List!  Highly Recommended for all students, faculty, and staff to use this site.    }wise geek claims “clear answers for common questions”, and then gives a large list of such questions. Goes to their Categories page.   }search the wisegeek  site from here. Sorry about the “google custom search”, but it searches the whole website for your question and their answer(s);  and there are more than 60,000 of them.  }this is THE Benjamin Franklin search engine. A comprehensive, one-stop site that includes carefully curated educational resources, Franklin’s own writings and proverbs, and tens of thousands of websites scattered throughout cyberspace. Befitting this founding father’s leadership in establishing the country’s first public library, this free site, in honor of his Tercentenary.   }so, this is THE Shakespeare search engine. If you’re into the Bard, this is the site for you.   }technology podcasts from ZDNet.



IX. Language Tools: Dictionaries and Glossaries.   }in our tests, this was unquestionably the best acronym finder online. Its only drawback is that it doesn’t tell you any more about what the item it, so then you still have to look that up in another dictionary; however, you will find all of those here.   }psychology dictionary, over 450 terms, find by alphabetical or search. The site search on the page is not powered by google, so we Recommend this site. Works faster and more reliably than the other two psych dictionaries in our tests.   }search 1,065 English dictionaries at once. Note: The Alpha Dictionary search box is in about the middle of the page, so look carefully at this very crowded page. (Why do they do that to web pages?) The search box above it, just goes to Onelook, already our favorite quick-find site for words. The Alpha Dictionary is very good, and we recommend it. Results appear in pop-up window.   }a pretty good art dictionary, but it lacked examples and illustrations. Gives the meanings of the terms correctly, though.    }Art Glossary, from The

Art History Archive: Terminology.   }here’s the site for an online computer dictionary. It is a little bit dated, which makes it useful for finding some of the older terms which, as a result of having become “standard”, aren’t defined in the newer dictionaries. Drawback: when it gives a definition, it goes through google first, then you link back to the dictionary itself. It does this since the site hosts three different dictionaries: legal, medical, and computer. In our test, it chose to give us the medical dictionary for a definition of “scan” and “scanner”, even though we entered it into the computer dictionary’s search-box.   }gives a very good set of dictionaries’ definitions. In our test, it surprised us by including one from Ambrose Bierce’s Devil’s Dictionary. Here’s the link for that test:   }scroll down about 2/3rds of the page to find the Devil’s Dictionary entry. J.   }”a dictionary of words and phrases on the verge of extinction”.   }a good digital imaging tutorial, not so simple as to be useless and insulting. Most glossaries and tutorials online are too oversimplified and “dumbed-down”.   }nice set of different language links from the usual ones that you see.   } Bilingual Cross Cultural Language and Academic Development.   }Unfortunately, there are no good dictionaries of terms for fine food and wine on the Web, but this list of 100 links should be helpful. Here are a lot of search engines, for food, wine, restaurants, etc., and some do have some information on terms. We haven’t any time to check them all out for you, so, enjoy.   }this is the online talking dictionary, and it works.   }this dictionary gives definitions for over 3,500 psychology terms. Arranged alphabetically, it give a brief def. in the list, click “more” for full def. Site works reasonably well, but has no term-search, which we consider a serious drawback. However, using Ixquick Site Search we found terms there easily.   }their page; we tested to French translator and it did work.   }this searches over 100 encyclopedias and dictionaries, but it too failed our hard test. We have found a word, a regular word and not a neologism or archaic term, for which there are many references online, and so far, every dictionary and encyclopedia on this list has failed to find it. It is a scientific term, used in mainstream science and on other websites, papers, and documents. So that you won’t think that this site is “no good”; they all have failed this hard test!  28oct13 Update: Since the word we used for the hard test, exists with another spelling and is better known, we tried again. Our pick of a hard word is usually confirmed by these results, namely, that few dictionaries will have it but at least one will. However, still failed our hard test with the new word.   }Unfortunately, there are no good dictionaries of terms for fine food and wine on the Web, but this one is the closest thing that we could find. Has a large collection of recipes.   }online etymology dictionary, but with very limited word list. Says 30,000 words.  That is, it won’t have some of the words you want, but then will surprise you with the ones that it does have.   }EU translation tools.   }short glossary of wine terms.   }good site, since you can find the definition of a word, or translate it from one language to another, or both.    }a new, HQ dictionary site. Includes a dictionary/thesaurus, Medical, Legal, and Financial dictionaries, Acronyms, Idioms, Encyclopedia, and Wikipedia. Sources for each online dictionary are stated on their pages, organized into tabs. Recommended. Our recommendation would be higher, but it has too many ads crowded into the word definitions. Did poorly in our hard test, well otherwise.    }variety of translations and definitions. Has several translators on the page but some redirect to advertising pages or to the translator’s homepage, etc.   } webpage translator this one works.   }listed as an Internet Acronym Dictionary, this one is actually like a texting-acronym dictionary. It has all those old terms, which BTW were around long before there was texting, and some of which have been changed by texters. We thought this might be useful to you.   }a glossary of internet terms. It seems reasonably up-to-date.   }this is the talking glossary of genetic terms.,2/   }glossary of spiritual and religious words.   }the ICANN, many Net-related terms and acronyms defined. Organized alphabetically. Select your language at the top of the page, 10 choices including Chinese and Japanese.   }their computer hardware and software dictionary-glossary. About 28 pages long. Sep. 2012 Update: the URLs for all these Javvin dictionaries appear to be down, a huge loss for those wanting technical defintions of technical terms that they can use!  We have tested several sites claiming to have definitions of computer and technical terms, and most of them were really pitiful, we would never list them here. The loss of these Javvin dictionaries is very bad news. Replacement:   } A compilation of computer glossary terms. You can consider this as an online computer dictionary. Some of the following pages are large files. It may take some time to load them onto a browser. And:   }their IT tech encyclopedia. This has all the software and hardware definitions that Javvin did, plus lots of related links.    }network security definitions. A long list, about 34 pages long. Sep. 2012 DL. Replacements:   }a few network security definitions here. And:   }internet and security terms glossary, in alphabetical order. This isn’t as technical or thorough as the Javvin was, but each definition’s page has related links on it. And   }tutorial overview of network security. And:  }overview and definitions of network security terms, with diagrams, and outline at top.   }Network Protocol Suite Directory and Index. Network communication is defined by network protocols. A network protocol is a formal set of rules, conventions and data structure that governs how computers exchange information over a network. In other words, network protocol is a standard procedure and format that two data communication devices must understand, accept and use to be able to talk to each other.  Scroll down for terms. Sep. 2012 DL. Replacement:  }has the networking terms defined on one page, then many related links on the left side. For example here:   } Networking Protocol Suites at the Network Layers.   }wireless terms dictionary and glossary. Several pages long. Sep. 2012 DL. Update: See note above. Most “tech” terms websites are very, very disappointing, including Wikis. Replacement:   }this is the best replacement, with over 10,000 wireless and related terms.   }for those of you who like redundant lists, here’s a list of subject-specific dictionaries from Johnson and Wales University. That is, they list some of the same dictionaries that we do here and elsewhere, and many of the rest of theirs are dead links.   }Luciferous Logolepsy, dragging obscure words into the light of day, a collection of over 9,000 English words, arranged alphabetically.   }this site has word frequency lists (links from Alpha Dictionary) and other fun products. They specialize in translating words and creating custom word lists of them; translate from virtually any language to any other in any specialization; create specialized word lists, including word frequency lists, some with parts of speech, as well as glossaries and custom dictionary databases.   }the Plasma Dictionary. Update 8/2011: This site has had restrictions imposed on it by the government, plus a redirect.   }their translation dictionaries.    }this site is a good, readable, illustrated mathematical glossary or dictionary. You can select categories and level of education. Highly Recommended.   }find definition of a term from the entire web.   }an idiosyncratic etymological dictionary, with a limited word list, similar to the other one.     }in this somewhat easier test, this engine found some surprising results, such as this Glossary:   }a short glossary, but shows key concepts from graph theory and Python about their subject.   }the NWS glossary. “This glossary contains information on more than 2000 terms, phrases and abbreviations used by the NWS.”   }NASA glossary of terms about the Earth’s magnetosphere.   }five wine terms not on the other wine glossary.   }the meridian-webster medical dictionary, from the national library of medicine.    }glossary of solar-terrestrial terms.   }our favorite regular dictionary.   }glossary of photography terms, including digital. Clean, easy to read and use, Recommended.   }The Glossary of Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy Research.    }a pretty good translator, one powered by so-called artificial intelligence.   }at this site they have, ironically, a good non-technical dictionary of computer terms. In our test, they had scanner but not scan; and no technical data on scanners, and no examples, either by type or company. Somewhat better than most; when we were using “sampling”, as basic term in digital tech of any kind, for our tests, in which most sites failed miserably.   }new, fast dictionary with encyclopedic results. Recommended.   }a pretty good Latin translator.   }contains budding encyclopedias of astronomy, scientific biography, chemistry, and physics.   }physics dictionary/encyclopedia, look-up by first letter of word. Failed one of our hard tests, though.   }the science dictionary, although it failed one of our hard tests.   }language site on the Web: massive links.   }very good video glossary. Technical concepts in plain English. Highly REcomneded. We think you’ll find that this is the best one.    }the videolan dictionary. Some terms are left undefined in the “dictionary”, actually a glossary, but which appear on other Lists which we have provided to you, either on Online Tools 2013 (, Julie Éclair’s VideoList(, or on JKU Research List( They do a good job, though, of defining technical terms in plain English, and we Recommend it. See also Julie Éclair’s VideoList.   }this site probably has to be our pick for the best computer and –related terms dictionary. Unfortunately, this one too has the drawback of going through google, and we apologize for that; but it did have “scan” in our tests, the only one that did; and lots of stuff about scanners. We found its “related terms” feature very useful. Recommended.   }online encyclopedia articles of psychology. Good site, and searchable. Site works well. Drawback: sometimes part of the definition text is off the screen, and we found no way to make it display the entire definition.   }A fully cross-referenced English glossary of linguistic and grammatical terms. Each grammar definition contains an explanation and cross-references to other relevant grammar terms. Search the glossary from this page.   }Wikipedia’s fair collection of wine terms. They also have a viticulture list, etc.   }translators. Many more languages than the others, including African, and little-used languages. We tried Russian-to-Ingush, for example, and it worked.  }good links, too. A really good dictionary site. The look-up is in the left-hand column of the page; click the radio button for “advanced” to see what they can do.   }included twice, since it also answers language queries, or rather, queries in a natural language. We haven’t tested it for artificial languages yet.   }introduction etc. to The Semantic Web. This is an attempt to interface natural language with data structures, for practical usage in various businesses, etc.  Here:   }is the page about vocabularies on the semantic web, which they also call ‘ontologies’.   }good, brief glossary of computer hardware terms.





1. Is “Internet” really an acronym? What does it stand for?

A: It stands for “Interconnected Networks”. Hence, you don’t need to say or write           “the” in front of it. Example: “On ABC”, not “on the ABC”; “On CNN”, not “on the           CNN”; “from IBM”, not “from the IBM”; that is, English speakers don’t say “the” in          front of an acronym. So, don’t say “the” in front of “Internet”: just say, “it’s on          Internet”, not “it’s on the Internet”.  Feel free to contact us if you have any more          questions.

2. Q: I noticed that you don’t have a category for blogs, forums, and discussion groups           on this List, but that you do on the regular JKU Research List. Are there any          Academic Forums, blogs, etc., on this List?

A: Yes, there are. Some are in Other:Tools, some in Subject Guides, and some in              Online Journals and Zines.

3. Q: How can we contact you:

A: At the following addresses: Mr. Jae Kamel, ,

Dr. Jone Dae, .